Asking Questions 4: Use Question Words

Another way to ask a question is to use one of these words or phrases: Qui = whoQu’est-ce que = whatOù = whereCombien de = how much, how manyQuand = whenComment = howPourquoi = why Visit Nallenart for more! Sponsored by Nallenart. For more information about L’Art de lire and other products, visit our … Read more

Asking Questions 3: Use Inversion

The third way to ask a question in French is by using inversion, or switching the verb and the subject. Manges-tu des bonbons? = Are you eating some candies?Parlez-vous français? = Do you speak French? When you use inversion with il or elle, you must add “t” between your verb and the subject pronoun if … Read more

Asking Questions 2: Use est-ce que

Another way to ask a question is by placing est-ce que at the beginning of a declarative sentence. Tu manges des bonbons. = You are eating some candies.Est-ce que tu manges des bonbons? = Are you eating some candies? Elle mange des bonbons = She is eating some candies.Est-ce qu’elle mange des bonbons? = Is … Read more

Asking Questions 1: Use Intonation

Over the next few lessons, we will learn several ways to ask a question in French. The easiest way is by changing the intonation of your voice, raising the pitch near the end. We also do this in English. I’m eating some candies. You’re eating some candies? Je mange des bonbons. Tu manges des bonbons? … Read more