Lessons,  Verbs


Dormir means “to sleep.” Our English words dormitory and dormant are related to dormir. Write out and memorize the present tense of dormir.

je dors (zhuh DOHR)
= I sleep, I am sleeping, I do sleep
tu dors (tyoo DOHR)
= you sleep, you are sleeping, you do sleep
il dort (eel DOHR)
= he sleeps, he is sleeping, he does sleep
elle dort (el DOHR)
= she sleeps, she is sleeping, she does sleep

nous dormons (noo dohr-MOH)
= we sleep, we are sleeping, we do sleep
vous dormez (voo dohr-MAY)
= you sleep, you are sleeping, you do sleep
ils dorment (eel DOHRM)
= they sleep, they are sleeping, they do sleep
elles dorment (el DOHRM)
= they sleep, they are sleeping, they do sleep

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