• Lessons,  Vocabulary

    Bon Voyage 1: Les Transports

    How do you get there from here? Use one of these ways of travelling: train = trainbateau = boatautocar = coach busavion = airplanevoiture = carhélicoptère = helicopterautomobile = carautobus = busdos d’éléphant = the back of an elephantvélo =…

  • Lessons,  Vocabulary


    LE THERMOMÈTRE (luh TARE-moh-MET-ruh = the thermometer) When it is winter here in Canada, you need to dress warmly to go outside. Check the thermometer first to see just how many layers of clothing you need to wear. Notice that…

  • Lessons,  Vocabulary


    Le CHAPEAU (luh sha-POH = the hat) Le chapeau means “the hat” in French. Notice that the letters CH say “sh” in chapeau and the letters EAU say “oh.” You can almost see the English word cap in CHAPEAU. Remember,…

  • Canada,  Culture,  Lessons,  Vocabulary


    L’HIVER (lee-VAYR* = the winter) L’HIVER (lee- VAYR) means winter in French. As I write, winter is now in full force in the northern hemishere, where France is located. At my home in Canada, the ground is covered with a…

  • Canada,  Culture,  Lessons,  Vocabulary

    La Tuque

    If you are in Canada in February, you will need a warm hat! In mostparts of Canada temperatures are regularly below freezing, zero degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. French Canada has given us LA TUQUE(la TYOOK=the tuque), a warm…

  • Lessons,  Vocabulary


    l’été (lay-TAY = summer) Summer is a favourite time of year for many people. Children can get a break from school and many workers enjoy holiday time in warmer weather. Now we have learned the names of three seasons: l’hiver…

  • Culture,  France,  Lessons,  Vocabulary

    Le Printemps

    Le PRINTEMPS (luh pray-TAH* = the spring) At time of writing, this week marks the arrival of spring in the northern hemishere, where France is located. At my home in Canada, the ground is covered with a dazzling layer of…

  • Adjectives,  Lessons,  Vocabulary

    Les couleurs: Colours

    rouge = redbleu = bluejaune = yelloworange = orangeviolet = purplevert = greenbrun = brownnoir = blackblanc = white Try our French Colour Quiz!Take the quiz! Sponsored by Nallenart. For more information about L’Art de lire and other products, visit…

  • Lessons,  Verbs,  Vocabulary

    donner = to give

    je donne = I givetu donnes = you giveil donne = he giveselle donne = she givesnous donnons = we givevous donnez = you giveils donnent = they giveelles donnent = they give All of these verbs describe an action…