• Adjectives,  Lessons

    Les adjectifs – French Adjectives

    French adjectives must change their forms depending on whether the nouns they describe are masculine or feminine, singular or plural. Usually the feminine form adds “e” to the masculine adjective. This can change the pronunciation of the adjective by causing…

  • Lessons,  Verbs

    ÉCRIRE = to write

    Écrire means to write. It is related to the English words scribe, script, and scripture. j’écris (zhay-KREE)* = I writetu écris (tyoo ay-KREE) = you writeil écrit (eel ay-KREE) = he writeselle écrit (el ay-KREE) = she writesnous écrivons (noo-zay-kree-VOH)…

  • Lessons,  Verbs

    DIRE = to say, to tell

    Dire is an irregular verb meaning to say or to tell. The French word dire is from the Latin word dicere (to say) and is related to the English words dictate, diction, and dictionary. Note the irregular vous form! je…

  • Lessons,  Verbs

    Lire = to read

    Lire is an irregular verb meaning to read. The English words literature and literary are related to lire. je lis (zhuh LEE) = I read, I am reading, I do readtu lis (tyoo LEE) = you read, you are reading,…

  • Lessons,  Verbs


    Dormir means “to sleep.” Our English words dormitory and dormant are related to dormir. Write out and memorize the present tense of dormir. je dors (zhuh DOHR) = I sleep, I am sleeping, I do sleeptu dors (tyoo DOHR) =…

  • Lessons,  Verbs

    More -IR Verbs

    Here are some more -IR verbs. réfléchir (ray-flay-SHEER) = to think, to reflectchoisir (shwah-ZEER) = to choosebâtir (ba-TEER) = to buildpunir (pyoo-NEER) = to punishgrandir (grahn-DEER) = to growréussir (ray-yoo-SEER) = to succeed Club Mimi is sponsored by Nallenart. Sponsored…

  • Lessons,  Verbs

    -IR Verbs

    Finir means to finish. Other verbs have similar endings. This group of verbs, -IR verbs, is the second major verb group, after -ER verbs. je finis (zhuh fee-NEE) = I finish, I am finishing, I do finishtu finis (tyoo fee-NEE)…

  • Grammar,  Lessons

    Expressions with avoir

    Avoir (to have) is used in many common expressions in French. Some of these are quite different from English, so you must memorize them. 1. avoir chaud (a-VWAHR shoh)*- to be hot2. avoir froid (a-VWAHR frwah)- to be cold3. avoir…

  • Grammar,  Lessons

    Quelle est la date?

    To ask, “What is the date today?” say:Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? To answer, we say:Aujourd’hui, c’est le jour numéro mois.eg.: Aujourd’hui c’est le lundi 6 février.Today is Monday, February 6. Another possibility:Aujourd’hui, c’est jour, le numéro mois.eg.: Aujourd’hui c’est…