• Lessons,  Phonics

    u says "oo," almost

    The French u sound is different from any sound we have in English. It is very close to the “oo” sound in food, but not exactly the same. To make the French u sound shape your tongue and teeth as…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    é says "ay"

    Sometimes French uses accents to show what kind of sound a certain letter should have. In French é says “ay.” Here are some é words for you to translate. bébé (bay-BAY)téléphone (tay-lay-FUN)éléphant (ay-lay-FAH)café (ca-FAY)télévision (tay-lay-vee-ZYOH) Visit Nallenart for more information…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    a says "a" in sack

    In French, the letter a makes a short sound like the a in sack. Can you translate these French words based on their sound? sac (sak)radio (rad-YOH)carotte (ca-RUT)table (TA-bluh)salade (sa-LAD) Visit Nallenart for more information about our French curriculum for…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    i says "ee"

    The letter i says “ee” in French, as in the name Lisa. Here are some French words that use the “ee” sound made by the letter i. Can you tell what these words mean in English? tigre (TEE-gruh)appétit (a-pay-TEE)favori (fa-voh-REE)Bible…

  • Lessons,  Vocabulary

    Months of the Year

    The French months of the year are very similar to the English months. Notice that the last four months are almost exactly like English. We get the names of our months from the Roman calendar. Originally the first month was…

  • Lessons,  Vocabulary

    Numbers One to Twelve

    Today’s lesson is about counting to twelve. Practice saying the French numbers. (Please note that the guides to pronunciation only give a rough idea of what things really sound like in French. Listen to the podcast to hear the correct…

  • Lessons,  Vocabulary

    Please and Thank You

    To say please in French, we use the phrase: s’il vous plaît (SEEL voo PLAY) This polite expression literally means, “if it pleases you.” Perhaps you have received an invitation that contains the initials R.S.V.P. This is short for the…