aller = to go

Aller (a-LAY) means to go in French. Aller is an irregular verb, which means it doesn’t follow a particular pattern when it is conjugated. Take some time to memorize this important verb! I go = je vaisyou go = tu vashe goes = il vashe goes = elle vawe go = nous allonsyou go = … Read more

LIRE = to read

Lire is an irregular verb meaning to read. The English words literature and literary are related to lire. je lis (zhuh LEE)* = I read tu lis (tyoo LEE) = you read il lit (eel LEE) = he reads elle lit (el LEE) = she reads nous lisons (noo lee-ZOH) = we read vous lisez … Read more

ÉCRIRE = to write

Écrire means to write. It is related to the English words scribe, script, and scripture. j’écris (zhay-KREE)* = I writetu écris (tyoo ay-KREE) = you writeil écrit (eel ay-KREE) = he writeselle écrit (el ay-KREE) = she writesnous écrivons (noo-zay-kree-VOH) = we writevous écrivez (voo-zay-kree-VAY) = you writeils écrivent (eel-zay-KREEV) = they writeelles écrivent (el-zay-KREEV) … Read more

DIRE = to say, to tell

Dire is an irregular verb meaning to say or to tell. The French word dire is from the Latin word dicere (to say) and is related to the English words dictate, diction, and dictionary. Note the irregular vous form! je dis (zhuh DEE)* = I saytu dis (tyoo DEE) = you sayil dit (eel DEE) … Read more

Lire = to read

Lire is an irregular verb meaning to read. The English words literature and literary are related to lire. je lis (zhuh LEE) = I read, I am reading, I do readtu lis (tyoo LEE) = you read, you are reading, you do readil lit (eel LEE) = he reads, he is reading, he does readelle … Read more


Dormir means “to sleep.” Our English words dormitory and dormant are related to dormir. Write out and memorize the present tense of dormir. je dors (zhuh DOHR) = I sleep, I am sleeping, I do sleeptu dors (tyoo DOHR) = you sleep, you are sleeping, you do sleepil dort (eel DOHR) = he sleeps, he … Read more

More -IR Verbs

Here are some more -IR verbs. réfléchir (ray-flay-SHEER) = to think, to reflectchoisir (shwah-ZEER) = to choosebâtir (ba-TEER) = to buildpunir (pyoo-NEER) = to punishgrandir (grahn-DEER) = to growréussir (ray-yoo-SEER) = to succeed Club Mimi is sponsored by Nallenart. Sponsored by Nallenart. For more information about L’Art de lire and other products, visit our website: … Read more

-IR Verbs

Finir means to finish. Other verbs have similar endings. This group of verbs, -IR verbs, is the second major verb group, after -ER verbs. je finis (zhuh fee-NEE) = I finish, I am finishing, I do finishtu finis (tyoo fee-NEE) = you finish, you are finishing, you do finishil finit (eel fee-NEE) = he finishes, … Read more

-ER Verbs

The last verb we learned, donner = to give, belongs to a large group of verbs known as -ER verbs. These verbs all have a similar pattern of conjugation, with a certain ending that corresponds with each subject pronoun that we have learned. If you learn these endings, you will be able to use hundreds … Read more