• Lessons,  Verbs

    aller = to go

    Aller (a-LAY) means to go in French. Aller is an irregular verb, which means it doesn’t follow a particular pattern when it is conjugated. Take some time to memorize this important verb! I go = je vaisyou go = tu…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    u says "oo," almost

    The French u sound is different from any sound we have in English. It is very close to the “oo” sound in food, but not exactly the same. To make the French u sound shape your tongue and teeth as…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    zh – an unusual sound

    The sound that is sometimes represented by zh in phonetic notation is fairly rare in English. In English, we use the zh sound in: g in beige s in usual In French, it is the sound made by the letter j:…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    é says "ay"

    Sometimes French uses accents to show what kind of sound a certain letter should have. In French é says “ay.” Here are some é words for you to translate. bébé (bay-BAY)téléphone (tay-lay-FUN)éléphant (ay-lay-FAH)café (ca-FAY)télévision (tay-lay-vee-ZYOH) Visit Nallenart for more information…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    a says "a" in sack

    In French, the letter a makes a short sound like the a in sack. Can you translate these French words based on their sound? sac (sak)radio (rad-YOH)carotte (ca-RUT)table (TA-bluh)salade (sa-LAD) Visit Nallenart for more information about our French curriculum for…

  • Lessons,  Phonics

    i says "ee"

    The letter i says “ee” in French, as in the name Lisa. Here are some French words that use the “ee” sound made by the letter i. Can you tell what these words mean in English? tigre (TEE-gruh)appétit (a-pay-TEE)favori (fa-voh-REE)Bible…

  • Canada,  Culture,  Links

    French Fact: Bilingual Canada

    Did you know that Canada has two official languages? They are English and French. The Official Languages Act states that: “the Constitution of Canada provides that English and French are the official languages of Canada and have equality of status…

  • Lessons,  Verbs

    LIRE = to read

    Lire is an irregular verb meaning to read. The English words literature and literary are related to lire. je lis (zhuh LEE)* = I read tu lis (tyoo LEE) = you read il lit (eel LEE) = he reads elle…

  • Culture,  Lessons

    Chansons d'hiver

    See if you can match these winter songs with their English titles. Notice that the titles might not be exactly the same in the two different languages! FRENCH L’enfant au tambour Au royaume du bonhomme hiver Sainte nuit Promenade en traîneau ENGLISH Sleigh…

  • Vocabulary

    La Neige

    LA NEIGE = the snow(la NAYZH)* At my house here in Canada, the ground is covered with a white layer of snow. Though the days have started to get longer, there are many more snowy days ahead of us yet…